Treating Obesity with Buteyko BreathingWhat is Obesity?Obesity is the condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it has a negative effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and increasing health problems. Cause of ObesityConsidering Buteyko theory, hyperventilation plays a large role in the occurence of obesity:
Overbreathing causes hormal imbalances that will make you prefer lower-quality food and eat too much of it. Overbreathing and a lack of CO2 also limits delivery of oxygen and sugar by the blood to your cells so you'll experience a lack of energy. Eating some low-quality junkfoods gives a dependable and appreciated burst of extra energy, but because not much oxygen is present and the sugars don't all end up at the cells, not all sugars can be burned: The unused sugars are converted to fat instead. Revert obesity with a Buteyko Breathing courseAlmost all participants of a Buteyko Breathing course will lose a few kilos, as they notice that they experience more energy, less hunger and less interest in sugary delights. The more weight you want to lose, the longer you will need to intensively pratice Buteyko Breathing, preferably combined with some exercise and minor food guidelines as recommended by us. It is very common for participants to a Buteyko Breathing course to experience a shift in desires concerning food: Food control is easy after the initial step of improving your breathing. You do not need to fight your desires, as Buteyko Breathing makes your desires go healthy so you will have healthy desires! Buteyko Breathing increases the flow of oxygen to your cells and allows sugars to enter your cells more easily. Hormone production will be better and lead to more stable and lessened appetite. Your body will start burning more fats and sugars. Buteyko Breathing help obese people shift from a reliance on burning carbohydrates for energy to a preference for burning fat for energy. It stabilizes your bloodsugar level and prevents the craving for food caused by episodes of low bloodsugar. Results are dependent on: